color is an identity—when you change it, you can become a different person. -
Kyle White is the
senior colorist at Oscar Blandi salon in New
York City.
If you have been following my blog you might
know that I like to change my hair color and style, often. Why, cause I like
it. It keeps life interesting, or to quote my husband: ‘variety is the spice of
I haven’t always been this daring with my hair;
in fact, the most daring I ever got was going for a pixie cut after our wedding
and bleaching it white. But then we moved to Belgium and because the only think
I could figure out how to say was cut it short I got rid of the bleached hair
and grew it out.
And then I fell into a rut stuck with it and had it long and blond for
nearly 7 years.
So why am I telling you all of this? I don’t know. Maybe
cause I got a new color ‘that I like’ or because so many people ask me how do I
find the courage to change my hair.
Courage, it’s hair people. It grows. Even if you do
something that you don’t like (like I did 2 weeks ago) it really just takes 2
weeks before you can change it.
Unless you shave it all off, but still after 2 weeks you
just have a really short pixie cut.
Then they say, oh I could never do that, aren’t you
scared, Scared of what? It is not permanent; you are not doing something that
you can never ever change. Who knows you might love it!
So here is a look at some of the looks that I’ve sported
and my new color. Oh and yes, you might notice that it is getting a tad longer.
That is cause I’m trying to grew it. Who knows how long that will last?