Wednesday, March 21, 2012

On this day....

Ever since I found Mamarazzie & Crazymama's WWTK I've been linking up on a Wednesday.

However, since today is a special day for me I'm not going to be linking up.
Today, 12 years ago I said 'I do' to Himself.
And, if he were to ask me again today, knowing everything that I do today about the past 12 years, my answer would be: I do

Love that man!

I mean, how can I not, he still wants to be married to me.

When we were young and beautiful, now we are just .... beautiful?


  1. awww Happy Anniversary!!! GORGEOUS photo and I think you are still beautiful, too :)

    Any special plans today?

    We are coming up on our 7th anniversary in June!

  2. Happy Anniversary! I remember your wedding like it was yesterday - it was a beautiful day.

  3. Oh Happy Anniversary to you! Enjoy your week:)
